Money can be a touchy issue.

It touches on issues of class, race, equity and value—to name a few. It is interwoven with a long history of exploitation of people, places, and, at this point, nearly all elements of life.

And, money can be tied to abundance, creativity, generosity, and flow.

We do not have any perfect answers for how to be with money as it relates to education. What we do have are values that guide our decision making, and a willingness to work together toward a healthy relationship with money and the real wealth that underlies it—health, safety, home, education, a vibrant planet and community, etc.

We believe in…

  • Reciprocity & Exchange

  • Right Livelihood

  • And…equitable access to education (including transformative education)

For more information about equity in action as it relates to money, please see our Individualized Tuition page.

If, for any reason, finances represent a barrier to participation in Watershed Schoolhouse’s offerings for you or your family, please reach out to us so we can find a solution together. In instances where we are unable to meet all of the needs, priority will be given to people from historically marginalized identities to account for historical, ongoing, and systematic patterns of inequity.